When we compare the history of the naira’s performance against the dollar it becomes a story of a consistent downward slide in value. Since 1972, the naira has lost an average of 12% of its value every year. That’s a scary reality, and the only way to protect your money from this loss in value is by investing in a stable currency such as the dollar.
Investing generally can be quite complicated, so a group of people passionate about real estate and investment came together to make investments easy for everyone.
Today, we are excited to introduce Easyvest Nigeria, founded by Ajuzie Bibian ( co-founder of crypto exchange, Easy Coins, and Masti Hair )
EasyVest is a growing Nigerian startup that has built a niche for itself in the investment sector to make automatic Naira or Dollar investments in Nigerian real estate, FX, and all cryptocurrencies available. With as low as N100,000 or $1,000 anyone can begin investing in Nigerian Real Estate or securities and assets or Crypto currency.
Investing is generally seen as a business that is hard to understand. The fact is, it can be intimidating and risky, so most people would rather ‘save’ their money in a bank account where they can see it. The problem with this is, the money just sits there, earning little or no interest at all to keep up with inflation.
The company started off as a mini investment club helping its initial members to invest in foreign exchanges and real estate from Nigeria. As the club grew, the idea was further expanded to build a complete wealth management firm and community that offers financial guidance and long-term investing to help thousands of people stabilize their financial future.
Easyvest requires little to no experience in investing. Its team of experts takes care of everything. They also makes it easy for you to learn about investment and meet other investors through its free investment club.
Your money is safe with EasyVest. Its systems are protected with the same security measures used by top banks around the world and the company is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as well as Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)
EasyVest is online and accessible to thousands of Nigerians already using it to grow their money every day.
Get Started now and protect your money from inflation with easy investments from as low as N100,000 and $1,000
Explore more on Easyvestng.com